EigenLayer is a protocol built on Ethereum that introduces restaking, a new primitive in cryptoeconomic security. It allows users to stake assets such as Native ETH, Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs), EIGEN token or any ERC20 token into EigenLayer smart contracts, thereby extending Ethereum's cryptoeconomic security to additional applications on the network.
Total $EIGEN to be distributed
Total MNT Power Allocated in this pool
Your Allocated MNT Power
Claim time: TBD
Wallet Address Connected
EIGEN is designed to empower the EigenLayer ecosystem, offering a complementary role to ETH restaking. It introduces a mechanism to handle "intersubjective" faults, or behaviors that are not identifiable onchain but warrant a penalty. With this mechanism, EIGEN provides a way for the token to be forked without forking the Ethereum mainnet consensus.